If you are new to the office and to Chiropractic, you can expect to be greeted by a friendly staff member here at Advanced Chiropractic, fill out a little paper work so we can get to know you and your health condition and you will then meet with Dr. McCay for a consultation and health history. After that, if the doctor feels that your condition can be helped with Chiropractic care, he will do an exam on the affected area and then decide if X-rays are necessary. Next, you and the doctor will put all this information together and discuss the best avenue of treatment for your condition. Most of our patients will have some type of chiropractic treatment on their first visit and will leave with home stretches and exercises to help their condition. The first visit usually last about 45 minutes. We are located in Everett Wa, just south of Fred Meyer. We are across the street from Total Rental Center.